Firehouse and Books and Plane Tickets

A fun and interesting thing I got to do in NYC was visit a firehouse in Washington Heights, near the bridge. I was able to learn more about the tools the FDNY uses specific to their area, such as air bags for pushing subway cars away from trapped people. I also got to see how the aerial ladder works and learn more about their response to different kinds of emergencies. The truck is amazing (and the people who use it). One thing that struck me is that the tools they use were thought up by someone to get a job done, and then picked up by others and became the standard. That's really cool.

I tried on a helmet and coat and it was so heavy--I can't imagine wearing all of that gear in the summer. (I'm holding a halligan, one of my favorite tools I never use.) The helmet was a lot heavier than I expected. Very solid.

It made me appreciate how much we have in America. We are so lucky and privileged to have prepared, professional response teams such as the FDNY, the best of the best. After living in China, I don't take it for granted anymore.

In other news, my books arrived today, yay!

And...I'm done talking about NYC. Good memories, but it's time to go other places, too, like the Peace Corps reunion we are having this summer! Got my ticket this weekend, can't wait! It's unfathomable it's been almost two years since I've hung out with R. It's going to be a legendary party. America: watch out!


Busy Bee Suz said…
You look so cute! And yes, we are so privileged to have so many responsible people (and things) at our disposal if/when we need them.
Where is your reunion going to be??? I'm so excited for you!
Rebecca Foster said…
Hey, thank you! That stuff was heavy, I look like I'm smile/grimacing.

Minnesota! Centrally located for convenience. Thank you!

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