The Charming/Lickable Axis, Plus The Avengers Broke My Brain

I never realized how charming Seth Meyers is until I watched some SNL episodes on Hulu. So charming! Right down to the mole on his neck. (Nice tongue target.) He definitely crosses the XY axis of charming/lickable. Here is one of my favorite Weekend Update skits, Stefon on St. Patrick's Day activities:

Remind me the next time I'm in NYC to give out some "Kiss Me I'm Irish" buttons! (I teased my sister she could be a hoomba, because she's so tiny. She was not amused.)

In other news, I saw The Avengers this weekend; I've never seen their stand alone movies, so I was a bit lost at first and kinda bored. If I had been alone, I probably would've left. But, the last half hour or so picked up and then I enjoyed it. However, seeing it on 3D Imax was a leeeetle too much for my brain-- I left the theater nauseated and headachy. I prefer to skip this 3D step and wait for straight-up holograms. And now, my opinions about the Avenger team:

  • Captain America: He looks computer generated. 
  • Thor: Well, at least he had long hair to distinguish him from CA. Not my thang.
  • Iron Man: He loves Gwyneth Paltrow, so no.  
  • Hawkeye: Meh. 
  • Black Widow: I like her outfit and red hair. The most stylish of the group. I didn't buy her deep pain, though. This might be an actress issue. 
  • Dr. Banner: The most interesting and 'alive.' Lives in Calcutta to help people! The only appealing member of the group. 
I think this movie would have been better if Wolverine were in it. Rawr. 


Busy Bee Suz said…
I find that most 'funny' guys have attractive qualities; I love people who can make me laugh.
I don't think this will be a movie on my to see list...and I banned 3 D movies years ago; instant headache. :)
Rebecca Foster said…
They are now on my ban list. Ugh. Not worth it!

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