Going Topless At The Tapas Bar: Fun With English

Before this past weekend I never knew the phrases 'tapas bar' and 'topless bar' sound so alike.* Go ahead and say them to yourself out loud real quick. See? Who knew! Not me, until we had this conversation about where to eat:

Him: "How about a tapas bar?"
Me: "Topless bar? The food won't be any good and it'll be expensive. Plus I don't want to go to a topless bar. You want topless, I'll take my shirt off while we eat real food." (Note: we were in Vegas, so this conversation is not as far-fetched as it sounds.)
Him, laughing: "Tapas, tapas, not 'topless!' T-a-p-a-s.'
Me: Laughing so hard I cry a little.
Him: "But since you've promised to eat topless,** I don't care where we go!"

*Pronouced as 'tahpahs', not 'taypahs.' I think people argue about this. I'm not sure which one  is right. 
*I didn't eat topless, even though we went to a restaurant, and I am not making this up, called BJ's. I ate fish tacos.  


Katie said…
This just made me laugh. Which is exactly what I needed tonight.

I'm going to giggle everytime I hear Tapas now. I'm doing it now.

Busy Bee Suz said…
Reminds me of being in Vegas and a friend said to us:

Lets go to a 'free porn bar.'

Us? What???

Him: 'Free 'pouring' bar!!

As in no pre-measured drinks!

Only in vegas...

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