One Dress, Two Views

(EDIT: My coworker J. told me my photo was racy. I didn't think so because it's what you'd see with a bathing suit on and I thought it was funny how different the cover-up looks actually on rather than in the photo, but anyway I took it down; I guess my judgment is off on this one. The link to the dress still works if you want to see the original version.)

I'm going on vacation to see one of my best friends in a warm, bathing suit-culture city and wanted a bathing suit cover up I could wear if we stop for lunch/drinks on the way back from the pool/beach. I found this one-size dress online. The catalog pic is on the left. How it actually looks is on the right. That is quite the difference! Makes me look more busty than I actually am. (It was still loose and flowy everywhere else like the online photo, very comfy.) If you're looking for a cute dress to um, boost your assets, you might want to give this one a shot.

I'm also getting my first ever airbrush tan in preparation for my trip; the older I get, the less willing I am to sacrifice my skin for a tan. I'm doing it in the middle of the day, can't wait to go to my afternoon meetings looking like I went to Jamaica during lunch.

Dress Link


Busy Bee Suz said…
I love the dress/coverup...I bet it looks great on you!
I never tan in the sun anymore either....tanning cream is my friend!
Can't wait to hear about your trip!

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