Chris Cornell

This is Chris Cornell in the 1990's.

When I was doing my undergrad I had a roommate from Seattle and we were very into the whole flannel shirt, wearing PJs to class, 'big clunky black shoes with sassy tights and short skirts for everyday wear' scene. Chris was pretty hot to us back then. I think we even had a pic of him taped to our living room 'Wall of Fame' (the low-tech incarnation of Stuff I Love).

This is Chris Cornell today.

Now I mostly wear high-heeled strappy sandals, cotton baby doll Ts, and although I do still wear sassy socks and clunky shoes on occasion, definitely not to work. The Wall of Fame is long gone, but Chris is even BETTER looking today than he was back then. Women say it's not fair men get hotter with age, but as long as I have eyes, who cares?? I'm just happy I still get to look at him!

And the best thing about Chris? Not only does he look like that, he sounds like this:

Check out those long, graceful fingers on the fretboard. Combined with his smoke-tinged voice, I can't get enough of this clip. He nails it on every level. You get the feeling if the audience were not there, he'd still look and sound just like this. His passion for music transcends any need for performance. Luckily for us, he does it anyway. So here's to Chris Cornell and his 14 years (gasp) and counting on my list of Stuff I Love.


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