Three Things: Stars, Bells and Ties

(I originally wrote this last year. I was recently reminded, it's still relevant.)

1. Star Gazing
Because a sky full of stars reminds me how little I really know and understand about my world and there is something really appealing about being with someone and realizing how much more there is out there than just the two of you and therefore how cool and almost miraculous it is that of all the billions of stars and billions of people, you are here together, just the two of you, sharing this moment.

2. Tolling Bells
I have no idea why I find this appealing. It's weird. Maybe because deeply tolling bells are like a heartbeat, they mimic the natural rhythms of the body and you feel them as much as hear them. And when you hear them with someone else you share that intrinsic rhythm together, unexpectedly, for just a few moments. Kinda cool.

3. A Man Loosening His Tie

He's a little bit formal wearing a tie, but when you're alone again he reaches a hand up and unbuttons the top button of his dress shirt, tugs on the knot of his tie to loosen it up a bit and now you can see that little spot of his neck exposed and he's not just loosening up, he's loosening up for you and wow...I just melt. My all-time favorite thing to sneak a peak of in the shadowy darkness of the car on the way home. (Double melt if he reaches over and takes your hand afterward.) And when Bond does it in the shower? Cinematic sweetness. Which means it's not just me that loves this. And if you can pull off the forehead hand gesture: sweetness x 100.

(True story: One day my male coworkers were asked to wear ties to work, an important client visit or some such thing, and over lunch I let slip how much I love the tie loosening gesture. That afternoon one by one they came to my desk and loosened their tie while we talked. And each time I was momentarily mesmerized. It only took about three for me to catch on that something was afoot. What can I say, I'm pretty sharp. I burst out laughing when I realized what was going on, as did they, and I still get teased about it.)


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