Hall of Fame Part I: Diet Coke

I have very few vices. Diet Coke is always at the top of the list. (Current #2? Ambien. Current #3? Jim/Pam videos on YouTube.)

Six things I believe about Diet Coke:

1. From the fountain tastes better than in the can, which tastes better than in the bottle.

2. Best tasting fountain: Holiday Oil on Highland Drive and 39th (SLC), Valero on San Pedro and Basse (San Antonio).

3. The flavored versions lose their fizz too quickly. Weak. And the Cherry tastes like cough syrup.

4. There is no point to Caffeine Free, except that my little niece Meg loves it. An early adopter.

5. Winger's makes an excellent Vanilla Diet Coke. They get the ratio just right.

6. Diet Coke (Coke Light in Mexico) is sweeter everywhere else in the world I've been. And extremely plentiful in Thailand; not so much in Quebec (where Pepsi is the drink of choice).

Amount of Diet Coke I can drink before I get caffeine shakes:

About 144 oz.

Top Four Memorable Diet Coke Experiences:

1. Seth walking me to the bathtroom 3 times in one night when we were camping because I drank a lot of Diet Coke and he didn't want me wandering about in the forest alone at night. And saying rather drolly the third time I had to go: "You have a very efficient filter system." (I love Seth to this day for that line alone.)

2. Arizona Tom suggesting for my birthday he get me an IV line so I could have it coursing through my system at all times. (Still not a bad idea.)

3. Canadian Tom buying me a case of it and stowing a few in the glove compartment cooler for me in advance of picking me up. (I always fall for the grand Diet Coke gesture even when, in retrospect, it was such the wrong thing to do.)

4. The following conversation with Aaron in Thailand after I half-woke up, cranky after spending the night traveling:

Aaron: "Are you sick?"
Me: "No."
Aaron: "Are you mad at me?"
Me: "I don't know."
Aaron: "Well, do you want a Diet Coke?"
Me: "Yes, please."
Aaron: reaches for our mini-cooler

Very few negative emotions cannot be tempered by a cold, fresh Diet Coke. (Once I fully woke up, I was back to my good-natured self.)

Movies I've missed crucial parts of because I drink too much Diet Coke with my popcorn at the movies:

Pretty much every movie I've ever seen in the theater.

Best TV commercials featuring hot guys and Diet Coke:

The construction worker "Diet Coke Break" one:

(Do construction workers really drink Diet Coke???)

The Diet Coke "pretending the elevator is broken to summon the hot elevator maintenance guy" one:


(This guy looks like the men I saw in Montreal. A little scrawny/metro for my tastes, but cute.)


Anonymous said…
Blah...Coke is such battery acid.

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