Hall of Fame Part Two: Fishnet Stockings

Fishnets have a saucy and minxy reputation, and they do make the wearer feel a bit more sass in the pants just by slipping them on, but here is the dirty little secret about fishnets: really, really comfortable. Regular pantyhose are nylon (silk if you're lucky and/or living in 1927) but fishnets are cotton and lycra, the same material used to make baby doll t-shirts and you know how comfy those are. Plus, the webbing pattern massages your legs when you move, making them relaxing and therapeutic to boot. In the heat of summer, if your legs must be dressed up at all, this is the only bearable alternative. (I've paired them here with my favorite black sandals. I'm 5' 10" in these shoes. I heart them.)

A couple of things about fishnet stockings:

1. They come in more colors than just black. I recommend beige with Stila Sun Shimmer Dry Oil for a dressier but still nearly invisible summery look. I recommend chocolate brown for a cozy winter look. Red is for when you really feel like a tiger, or Halloween.

2. The smaller the diamond pattern, the less 'I am pairing this with a vinyl minidress and tossing back tequila all night' and the more 'Yes, take a second glance, I AM wearing fishnets with this classy skirt and shoes and you like it.' Pair to your planned event accordingly. I even wear them to church in the wintertime with tall boots.

3. More snag-prone than regular stockings, so watch out for rings and boot zippers/shoe clasps.

4. White makes your legs look like they are covered in spider webs. Hot pink is generally difficult to pull off. Probably skip this color. But if you see a color you like, buy two pair. They can be tough to find in colors other than black.

5. For extra comfort, get the thigh high and secure to your legs with silicon strips or elastics.

They offer no warmth, but why are you living in a cold place anyway, silly? Fishnets are generally never the wrong choice. And you'll smile to yourself while sliding them on.

Stila Sun Shimmer Dry Oil: $26 at sephora.com


I'm no foot fetishist or anything.. but that picture is just really sexy.

Rebecca Foster said…
Hey, thank you Damien. Those shoes are not too comfortable, but I have to admit I like them too.
Anonymous said…
Uhhm... Black classic-cell-size fishnets gives too provocative (even slutty, sorry) look to a woman, so i would not recommend to wear them! Other colors and cell-size are ok!

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