Friends In All Places

One good thing about getting older: if you keep in touch with your peeps, gradually you all thin out across the country/globe, which means you have friends (sometimes with spare beds/couches) all over the place. Awesome! It also means you get e-mails and text messages that contain such random comments as to make you stop and marvel that THIS SENTENCE is how your lives are still converging. A sampling from the past week (from memory, I am too lazy to go look them up):

1. Florida friend: "Just got back from Hemingway's house. I heart Jim!" This friend and I often send each other random "I heart Jim"* texts because it sets off a volly of "I know! He is so cute! Funny! Charming! Awww" blah blah blah. Then we go back to our regularly scheduled lives. But throwing Hemingway into the mix? She wins.

2. Traveling friend: " Your sweet nature, darling, was too hard to swallow, my heart goes bang bang bang bang. FYI I'm in NYC, heading out in a few hours. I miss my dog." Dead or Alive, we love. I told him how I downloaded some songs on iTunes after taking Ambien and the next time I was looking at my song library I was like, why the hell do I have these songs? When I told him about it I couldn't remember the songs, though, I thought they were Poison. Speaking of...I should text him a few lines...

3. Atlanta friend: "I have NKOTB practice tonight. Did I tell you about that?" And if a million monkeys were at a million typewriters, how long would it take to come up with that sentence?? (NKOTB of course = New Kids On The Block.)

Man, I love my friends.

*'Jim' refers of course to the character of Jim Halpert on The Office.


Anonymous said…
The NKOTB group is performing tomorrow night at the Ward Talent Show! If I can get my hands on the video, I'll totally upload it for you. It's going to be smashing. :D

Lauren T.

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