
I'm a tool junkie. I think I get this from my grandfather, who was a railroad mechanic and had a separate shed to house his many and diverse tools. When we visited, I loved going out to the workshop with grandpa and having him show me the tools and how to use them. He passed them down to my dad, who has now passed them down to us.

My third favorite tool is the rock cutter, because I went through a geode phase and while out with my grandpa on walks I would pick up rocks I thought had crystals inside. My grandpa cut open a lot of plain old river rocks for me. He was a good grandpa.

My second favorite tool is the ratcheting socket wrench, any size. I like the sound it makes and how practical it is for getting in small spaces. It suits me.

My favorite tool is the halligan, pictured here. It is a firefighting tool use to break through doors and windows and whatever else needs busting into. (I am simplifying because I am not a firefighter so I can only say what I have been told.)

I love this tool because it doesn't build anything, but it can help a firefighter get in and out of where they need to be and generally kick the trash of whatever needs kicking. Also, it just looks tough, yet still elegant in its line and proportion.

I bought a small solid-steel halligan, just like this one. I have no real use for it. I was going to suspend it from the ceiling as a piece of installation art, but I knew sooner rather than later I'd run into it and gash my head open. So made up three uses for it:

1. I keep it by my bed, along with a can of Raid, in case an intruder tries to get me while I am sleeping. Much better than a baseball bat!

2. I use the spiky end to pry the lid off of metal cans of paint. It works well for this.

3. I carry it with me while running in the dark at night. Not only is it good for building arm strength, I can club anyone who gets too close.

My grandpa would be so proud.


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