Apparently, Text Messages

For the first time since I've gotten my cell phone, I've met the monthly allotment of text messages on my plan. It appears I've gotten the hang of text messaging.

And only used 120 of my talking minutes. My lowest usage ever was 74 minutes in a month. I'm not a chick who likes talking on the phone. (Such as: a guy told a mutual friend, "I don't think Rebecca likes me very much; she's always trying to get off the phone when I call her." My first thought: "What is he, a 15 year old girl??" My second thought: "Ohhhhh...he wants to talk when he calls me? I thought he was calling to coordinate plans and just making small talk to be nice." So I made an effort to stay on the phone and talk. It felt weird, though. We lived in the same city. Why not just talk when we saw each other?)

So now I'm paying by the text for the next few days. I'm sure it was all those Christmas and New Year wishes that did me in. This year, I don't care if you have a nice holiday. Don't take it personally.


Technodoll said…
ooo me too, me too! Am such a non-phone person and only getting used to text messaging but it's so cool... what a great invention. I am an addict now :-/
Anonymous said…
I blame IM.
Stupid IM.

I've gotten so used to handling SO much of my daily communication through IM, emails or text messages, that I don't really enjoy talking to anyone on the phone anymore. Not that I ever really did.

But now it's worse.

I'm obviously in a hurry to get off the phone. Almost like someone will hurt me if I don't. However, I can IM someone all day. It's a real problem.

This actually leads to something else. A friend of mine and his wife are a bit poor lately on account of her losing her job and he expressed a want to spend his last $8 on beer. So I bought him a six pack and dropped it on his doorstep, rang the doorbell, and drove off.

Five minutes later I got a text message saying, "thanx for da beers you know we lurves you."

I know that that's how he expresses gratitude, but a phone call would've been nice. "Hey, Jer, thanks for the beers. That was awfully nice."

Fooking technology.
Rebecca Foster said…
techno: enjoy your downfall. haha.

jeremy: I concur, phone call would have been in order. You're a good friend, by the way. Also, I am old-fashioned about dating in some ways I know but I think AT LEAST the first time you ask a girl out, it should be on the phone or in person. Because I think it should be a little more formal and involve nice manners. And I think I'm worth a quick phone call to arrange such matters. However, seeing how things are going in communications these days...I may never go on a date again.

IM? I have very mixed feelings about. I have MSN but either stay on "away" all the time or log out entirely. If I had access at work, might use it more.

I have such mixed feelings in general about tech communication. I have five senses for a reason, damnit! IM and txt use ONE of these. It's like talking to someone with earplugs, mouth gag and your hands tied behind your back. No wonder sometimes we find it less than fulfilling??
Anonymous said…
I understand completely. And why wouldn't you go on a date again? As far as I know, people still ask each other out in person, don't they?

As far as IM. I'm on all day at the office, it's a nice way to speak to my friends, which I otherwise wouldn't be able to do. It's interesting--you start to develop different senses. You can tell when someone's angry, or what other mood they might be in. You can tell when they need someone to talk to. Sure, you can't SMELL them, but a surprising amount of stuff DOES come across.

I understand your preference for face to face communication. There's an art to conversation, much of which is lost through a keyboard.
Rebecca Foster said…
Jeremy: lots of my IMs consist of my best friend, at night, asking me if I'm still awake. Usually I'm not. So I don't get the messages until the next day. So not much experience "reading" people on IM. I can see your point, though, and how that would come about as a skill. Kind of amazing. Great academic paper topic.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of text messages, I'm working late and everyone's gone.

So lonely.
So lonlaaaaaaay.
So lonlaaaaaaay.
So lonlaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

So lonlaaaaaaay.
So lonlaaaaaaay.
So lonlaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

Now no-one's knocked upon my door
For a thousand years, or more
All made up and nowhere to go
Welcome to this one man show
Just take a seat, they're always free
No surprise, no mystery
In this theatre that I call my soul
I always play the starring role, so lonely
Rebecca Foster said…
I know I'm immature sometimes, but after reading that I couldn't get the "I'm ronery" song from Team America out of my head.

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