
I think every person who has been through a terminal illness with a loved one should get to wear this sign, for as long as they need.

It's what we're thinking, even when we can't say it.

(Sink at my gym. Hence the spelling of 'till' rather than ''til'.)


Ace said…
Wow...nice of them to actually put up a sign like that. Usually you turn the knobs and get nothing! As far as your statement, I feel your pain and agree. Sometimes, there never is a repair option and it's just scarred for life. But that's when you got to lift your chin up and press on with life. =)
Rebecca Foster said…
That last part sounds like the acceptance stage. Not quite there yet I guess....but I believe it'll happen. That's something, I suppose. Thank you for your empathy.
SherBear said…
Ah, I agree, dear. We should be able to milk it for years and get lots of sympathy. People have absolutely no idea how horrific it is. But it get's better, I promise. A month ago was 10 years ago for losing my a matter a fact, I didn't think of it that day - I think this is the first time I realized it since it passed. See? Much better than 5 years ago.
Hugs, darlin'.
Rebecca Foster said…
sher: you know it's a lot because of you I even left my house again. I trust you. So I believe you. Thank you.

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