
I started making these entries because I needed to remind myself there are still plenty of things to love. I have a habit of noticing joy and I didn't want to lose it in the midst of everything else happening in my life. I've never lost a parent before, I didn't really know how to not lose myself, too.

I often feel out of sorts these days. My life sorta got turned upside down. I don't think it's bad, it's just not what I was prepared for. People say out of the unexpected can come great things. I think it's true. But it doesn't mean it's not awkward at times.

The things I really want to talk about, I can't really talk about here. Because they're not for everyone's eyes. Some eyes here, some eyes there. Boundaries are a good thing, I think. I wondered if anyone reading this would think I was shallow for talking about such lightweight things. Probably. I have a journal for the deep stuff. God-willing, it will never see the light of day. And friends.

I've learned I love: writing and reading what others have to say. I've also learned I get frustrated by the way in which I feel I have to censor myself. And I wish there were a magic button that let pixels translate into touching, feeling, hearing, tasting and smelling. Feeling closed off from other people is the last thing I need right now. And sometimes writing here makes me notice how closing technology can be.


shallow......smallow......from the moment I first stumbled upon your blog I have always enjoyed reading your current prose on completely random subjects, it's like a little surprise.......

I truly hope that things become sunny once again, till then, hang in there. I know......I know......easier said than done!
Rebecca Foster said…
Jessica, thank you. And your comments have added a lot! fwiw, I post stuff as I think about it, I guess that means I have a lot of random thoughts.

Yeah, it will...and thank you.
Technodoll said…
I think most people do not blog about their "essence", but more about all the stuff that surrounds it... it's important to keep certain things close to our hearts.

I read you as often as I can... must be something here to keep pulling me back ;-)
Rebecca Foster said…
techno: what a wonderful way to phrase it. Took me 4 paragraphs to say that thing about the hearts. And thank you, what a compliment. Your comments are always fun to read, thank you for taking the time to write them.

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