Crack Cookies

Okay, not crack, just maple cream, but these cookies are my current "eat more healthy" resolution downfall. Two cookies with a layer of maple cream in the middle. So simple, so perfect, so the reason I'm still going to be chubby for another few weeks. I'm trying to ration them. It's not going well.
My Canadian friend bought them for me in Canada. So when they're gone, they're gone. Because I'm sure you can't buy them on the internet. No, you can't. Not even gonna look. These are the last maple cream cookies on earth. Phew!
Stop me before I geek again.
P.S. You are evil.
Hint: you do have blogger friends in Canada in case you need a fix ;-)
The thing that kills me about these cookies--100 calories each! I like biting the top of the leaf off, though.
Isn't there some law about how much maple Canadians have to consume each year? Just kidding.
Coffee Crisps rule.