Crack Cookies

Okay, not crack, just maple cream, but these cookies are my current "eat more healthy" resolution downfall. Two cookies with a layer of maple cream in the middle. So simple, so perfect, so the reason I'm still going to be chubby for another few weeks. I'm trying to ration them. It's not going well.

My Canadian friend bought them for me in Canada. So when they're gone, they're gone. Because I'm sure you can't buy them on the internet. No, you can't. Not even gonna look. These are the last maple cream cookies on earth. Phew!


Anonymous said…

Stop me before I geek again.
Rebecca Foster said…
Your secret is safe with me, guess who. And yes, I do know who. Who else could pull that off?

P.S. You are evil.
Technodoll said…
He he! I looove those... but was a good girl and chose the ginger snaps over the maple crack cookies yesterday at the grocery store.

Hint: you do have blogger friends in Canada in case you need a fix ;-)
Rebecca Foster said…
Love ginger snaps too. I like them with tea.

The thing that kills me about these cookies--100 calories each! I like biting the top of the leaf off, though.
Rebecca Foster said…
ps guess who, just looked at that website more can buy a JAR of maple cream? *hits the floor*
Anonymous said…
And they say you can spread the maple cream on your muffins.
Rebecca Foster said…
I was thinking just plain from a spoon. I used to have a roommate who ate marshmallow creme like that. Always grossed me out. But maple cream...a different story!
Unknown said…
Maple cream cookies? Seriously? I guess so since you're blogging about them. My parents love these cookies. They buy the ones made by Dare. I can't stand them. Too sugary sweet for me. But my parents love anything maple. They love to drizzle real maple syrup on chocolate cake (it's a french thing I think. I've only heard of other French-Canadians doing so, but I could be wrong). I'm not a big fan of maple. I prefer it in very small doses. But I'll take a Coffee Crisp or Twix bar anyday, repeatly throughout the day.
Rebecca Foster said…
Jen: Maple syrup on chocolate cake? Holy instant diabetes. As you know I am usually not a sugar fiend, but when I am craving it...hard for me to stop. And dammit I just love maple.

Isn't there some law about how much maple Canadians have to consume each year? Just kidding.

Coffee Crisps rule.
I think these could actually be worse than crack. The last time I had a box here, I managed to eat half of them before I'd realized what was going on. EVIL...but man, I like me some evil everyonce in a while.

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