Yerba Maté Tea

One of my favorite tea memories is visiting my abuelita's beach front house in Viña del Mar and being called in from the beach at 4:00 to drink yerba maté tea. Liked the tea, hated the timing. I wanted to stay on the beach. But we'd come in and sit at the tiny tea table, still in our bathing suits, drinking tea and eating little cookies. And then run back out to the beach until dinner.

You can find it in tea bags, but if you use loose-leaf, a cup and strainer straw such as this one can be used. (I use teabags and a mug; my mom keeps strainer straws at her home.) The hotter the water, the more bitter the tea. Adding sugar (or eating sugar cookies) is nice.


Technodoll said…
Sure beats donuts and root beer though, don't you think? ;-)
Rebecca Foster said…
Oh, I'm a big fan of both of those things at the right moment. Rootbeer floats are perhaps my favorite dessert. 1,000 calories in a glass, gotta love it!

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