Rubbing and Stretching

When you're sleepy, what feels better than rubbing your eyes? Love it. One great benefit of never wearing mascara: rubbing my eyes with abandon without smearing makeup all over my face. I also unabashedly stretch and mewl when I'm sleepy. Pointing my toes, stretching my arms overhead, yawning...I look ridiculous I am sure, but just feels so good.

This morning I woke up on my back with my head turned to the side, arms bent, hands curled up against my ears. I wonder what I was dreaming about to end up in that position.


I love those little creatures......I can watch them for hours.......
It seems like I stretch constantly throughout the does feel good!!
i love a good stretch.. could be orgasmic!

Technodoll said…
I look like a zombie without mascara so forget about the eye rubbing... but oh a good stretch yeeeaahh... and a neck crack... yummay.

One of my cousins is a professional clown... at 6'5" is it any wonder he calls himself "stretch"? hehe

Were you dreaming of floating in a pool on a warm summer day, perhaps?
Rebecca Foster said…
jessica: thank heaven for youtube, eh?

wff: wow, maybe you need to teach a class!

techno: I hate sleeping with my ears uncovered, I must have lost my pillow/blankets in my sleep travels. I usually sleep on my side or stomach with a pillow or the covers over my head.
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