
I love it when my friends and I like the same things.

But my closest friends? I have a theory our friendships are close because we adamantly hate the same things. Especially random, trivial things. A random sampling: the rhythm method/turquoise clothing/being called Becky/adult contemporary music/movies about animals. (All shared hates with close friends.)

When I can love someone for the things they hate, I know I really love them.


Anonymous said…
That's hilarious. I think you're right though, at least in my relationships.

I've found people through commonalities but have really gotten close through mutual hatred.

Things I hate?
• Green beans
• Idiots
• People who take anything they see or are told at face value
• People who talk/rustle during movies
• People missing teeth
Technodoll said…
rotfmao! looks like i'll have to love you two, so far your lists are miiiine! :-D
Rebecca Foster said…
Sweet things: I knew there was a reason I liked you!

That movie thing? Ugh. Want to strap them down and duct tape their mouths shut. And leave them there overnight.

Techno: what is your list? Inquiring minds want to know.
Anonymous said…
Also on my list:
• People who don't use their turn signal
• People who don't eat/won't try anything ethnic
• People who don't say "excuse me" when they bump into you
• Country music

Oh, and cold feet pressed against me in the middle of the night.
Rebecca Foster said…
You know, when I was in Thailand someone said to me, "Thais think Americans only eat bread and milk." I said, 'Well, if you think about it, in one form or another, that's almost true." We do love our dairy and carbs. You're right: cutting out ethnic food means missing out on an entire range of experiences. As you said elsewhere, it says a lot about a person who closes themselves off to a range of food experiences. I would also say, who closes themselves off to new sensory experiences. I hate that.

Country music makes sense to me in Texas. Anywhere else, it's weird.

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