Butter Rum Dessert

One of my favorite desserts: melt butter in a saucepan, add generous amounts of rum and sliced bananas, spoon over real vanilla ice cream. Flambe if desired (although it didn't work so well when we tried it. I'm the one saying I want a BIG flame.) . Delicious.


Anonymous said…
That looks delicious. *mouth waters*

Mind sending me a sample? :)
Technodoll said…
haha! now THAT is an awesome ending to a girl's dinnah!! mmm mmm good...

i think you need a flatter pan to get the nice flame going, but i might be wrong. try sambuca, OMG! hehe

bon appetit!
Rebecca Foster said…
Jeremy: open wide.

Techno: I think we needed higher proof rum!
Being the pyro I am, I would be screaming for a singe your eyebrows kinda flame too!!!!!!!

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