Mr. Toad's Wild Ride in Hell, plus the saucy jokes you can make about it
At dinner one night in NY, someone mentioned going to a club called Toad's something or other in Richmond, VA. I asked if there were a wild ride there. He said no, then I asked if HE were the wild ride. 'Cuz I'm funny like that. Obviously I was thinking of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride at Disneyland. I learned later not everyone has heard of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride; turns out it closed in the 90's. I had no idea! I remember this ride scared me when I was younger, but couldn't put my finger on it. Well, Wikipedia offers one description that might hold a clue:
The cars then enter what is presumed to be dark prison cells before abruptly turning right and landing on railroad tracks. The vehicles bounce up and down on the tracks before colliding head-on with an oncoming train, whereafter they are sent to one of the ride's most famous scenes — the ending scene in "Hell." Created specifically for the ride by Disney Imagineers and not inspired by any scene in the movie or book, "Hell" features small devils who bounce up and down while a devilish Judge-looking Satan (who looks just like the prosecutor that previously appeared in the courtroom) points them to the left. The entire room is heated and all the little devils including Satan just laugh and mock you.
A ride that takes little kids into hell?? And not even as part of the book or movie, just something they dreamed up when making the ride??
Two things I love:
1. Referencing obscure, obsolete Disneyland rides when making lascivious comments. Come on, how often can you do that?
2. The thought of some exec at Disneyland signing off on a "fun" ride that, for no apparent reason, sends kids to hell. Gotta keep 'em on their toes somehow!
Here's a Disney memorial website (!) with pictures and brief description of the ride.
Photo from Boing Boing

A ride that takes little kids into hell?? And not even as part of the book or movie, just something they dreamed up when making the ride??
Two things I love:
1. Referencing obscure, obsolete Disneyland rides when making lascivious comments. Come on, how often can you do that?
2. The thought of some exec at Disneyland signing off on a "fun" ride that, for no apparent reason, sends kids to hell. Gotta keep 'em on their toes somehow!
Here's a Disney memorial website (!) with pictures and brief description of the ride.
Photo from Boing Boing
FYI- I put up a post with a link to vote for the 2 photos I have in the competition if you have time.....
Of course I have time, no problem, glad to do it. Good luck!