Traveling Love Dice

At dinner the other night, conversation turned to 'personal' items, specifically when you misplace them at home and guests inadvertently find them. Awkward!

We decided the easiest-to-lose are Love Dice (a friend gave me some for Valentine's Day and yeah, I hardly ever know where they are), which somehow morphed into taking pictures of our dice while on vacation at famous landmarks and posting them in a Facebook group, a la the traveling gnome. No competition, just something to make each other laugh. I think I'm going to invest in glow-in-the-dark dice. Imagine the possibilities!

(If you want to participate, search for the group Traveling Love Dice.)


Jenn-n-n said…
Mine ARE glow in the dark hahahahahaha.

I am just waiting for my income tax return and then I'm buying a new camera .... FINALLY my digital SLR YESSSSSSS!!!!!

Ohhhh, the pictures I will take hahahahahahahahaha.

The possibilities are endless!!!
Lol!!!! That is too funny. I can just imagine the photographic possibilities. (Don't be takin' those possibilities the wrong way now.)
Rebecca Foster said…
Jenn: SLR?? JEALOUS. Can't wait to see those pics! You are ahead of the curve with your glow-in-the-darkness.

Sarah: hey they are just dice, don't be too naughty. HAHA. You are going to get awesome shots this summer, can't wait to see 'em.
My best friends sent me a pair of those in a valentine's day package, they are still in the package.....I didn't really know what I would do with them......actually using them with my boyfriend seemed hokey, haha.....I'll take a look at the group - thanks for the idea :o)
Maybe they can go with me on my trip in April?!?!
Rebecca Foster said…
Jessica: yes to taking them on the April trip! I have never used them either, except for a laugh with a friend in another city. Obviously it was going to do no good. If you have trouble finding it, you can find my profile with my gmail email address.
Ah man, I thought I remembered this being a Flickr group.....hmmmm.....maybe I need to start my own on there?!?!?!
Rebecca Foster said…
I made a group on Facebook, but nothing on flickr that I know of. But if you start one, let me know, I'll contribute.

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