
Showing posts from May, 2008


I've always found it very cute when I am out with a guy and if we stop for gasoline, he cleans the windshield while the gas tank fills. I like sitting in the car and watching him do it. I don't know why. I just do.

Texas Drink Troughs

This is one way cold drinks are stored in Texas gas stations. These troughs are usually full of beer, but also a few sodas for the kidlets/non-drinkers. I am always tempted to sneak a piece of ice to suck on; gross, I know, but when it's 100+ degrees for weeks on end, you don't pass up ice when you see it. This post should also explain why hockey is not popular in South Texas. Ice? Ice is what keeps the beer cold. End of story.

Frosty and Fries

Not the healthiest lunch ever, but so delicious.

Sweet Reunions

Last time I went home to Texas, I had the chance to see a friend I hadn't seen since moving away. I always had a little crush on him and was a bit more self-conscious than I wanted to be, but I sucked up my insecurities and we had a very sweet reunion. I was so glad I hadn't let my insecurities stop me from the chance to reconnect with an old friend. As I am currently transplanted, my best friends all live elsewhere. The ones who still know all my secrets, even from hundreds (and thousands) of miles away. (In addition to hating the same things, good friends can be judged by the dirt they have on you. These friends could bury me alive. And never would.) When we get together, it's as if we were never apart. It sucks to be separated from those you love, care about, and just plain enjoy spending time with. But it really makes you appreciate when you can be together again. And that's a great feeling.

Fage Yogurt

Plain yogurt with a little honey or maple syrup to sweeten is one of my favorite afternoon snacks. I recently tried Fage yogurt, and I'll never go back to Dannon. It's got the texture of a yogurt + cream cheese blend and just feels really good on your lips and tongue. And very filling for the calories. You can buy a small canister with a honey compartment attached; if you want maple, you've got to make it yourself. Seriously, it's really good. Try it. (I'm trying to get my hands on the Tzatziki sauce.) Fage ("fa-yeh") Products

Running Skirts

I bought my first running skirt a few months ago while I was training for the marathon. It's what I wore on race day, very comfortable due to the built-in underwear and loose-on-the-legs style. I often got skin irritation on my upper thighs from shorts fabric after a long run, but this skirt + Bodyglide eliminated that. I am sure there are expensive skirts out there, I got this one at Target for $20.

Not Being a Wife in 1939

This handy little chart, written in 1939, helpfully calculates whether your wife is a success or a failure (click to enlarge). Red nail polish? Fail. Letting the nanny put the kids to bed? Fail. Eating breakfast naked? Fail. (Although the #8 demerit, that I agree with.) I took the test, based on what I think I'd do. I got 2 raw score points. Fail. Damn you naked breakfast! And thanks to alert commenter Dal, here is a link to the full survey for both husbands and wives . Thanks Dal!

Mini Fudges

I pretty much go camping just so I can make s'mores out of Keebler Fudge Stripes cookies and marshmallows, as it is a well known fact any food consumed around a campfire is calorie-free. And yeah, I know these cookies are the Applebee's of store-bought cookies. Why eat Fudge Stripes when there are Mint Milanos and Pepperidge Farm on the same shelf? But dammit they are delicious. And now they have these 100 calorie packs of cute little minis. I think that means you're supposed to only eat 1 pack in a sitting. Oops.


Me and mom (age 23). She once gave us kids weird meat stuff on a cracker and, after we'd eaten it, told us it was cat food. (It wasn't, it was potted meat she'd bought by mistake.) What kind of mom pulls cat food pranks on her kids? An awesome one.

Platonic Friends

Not sure how true this is, because I have male platonic friends who have never, ever made a move on me, but "In case of emergency, break open glass" Cracked. Me. Up. (Short clip, 1:45, but Chris Rock so some salty language.) Although... I did have dinner last year with a very long-term platonic male friend who told me he wasn't looking for a girlfriend/wife, he had enough female companionship, he was looking for someone to have meaningless sex with. I couldn't figure out if he meant me, if that's why he'd asked me to dinner. So I just told him the lasagna wasn't THAT good. I haven't heard from him since. Hmmm.

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers

I finally popped in the The Tudors DVD I've had sitting on my tv for weeks. Wow. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is scary-hot, i.e. not the kind of guy for sharing laughs and sweet smooches i.e. John Krasinski, but rather the kind of guy who makes your lips swell just looking at him and there is no speaking because words can't form over your pounding heart and he sorta scares the hell out of you just being in the same room but you can't look away from his mouth. Or his sword. Yeah, that kind of hot. Ireland, thanks for your continued contribution to the gene pool. You done good. P.S. this show also has Jeremy Northam as Sir Thomas More and a handful of other hot guys whose names I don't know and don't care. Definite eye candy.


Picture I took as I flew into the setting sun on my trip home. Always a weird sensation when the sun doesn't set, but beautiful as well. My favorite part of this flight? When the angelic flight attendant moved me from my assigned seat next to a crumbsnatcher to an empty row further back. I love her.

Wacky French Music Videos

Je Veux Te Voir. Strangely mesmerizing. And her blue club outfit shoes belong in my closet.

Reentle Teenty

How come little ears are so cute? A friend of mine has small ears. A 3 year old girl once told him, "Yous got reentle teenty ears!" So now I call things that are small and cute 'reentle teenty' (in a normal, not cutesy, voice). This definitely fits that criteria.