Running Skirts

I bought my first running skirt a few months ago while I was training for the marathon. It's what I wore on race day, very comfortable due to the built-in underwear and loose-on-the-legs style. I often got skin irritation on my upper thighs from shorts fabric after a long run, but this skirt + Bodyglide eliminated that. I am sure there are expensive skirts out there, I got this one at Target for $20.


Technodoll said…
I actually like this photo! Am looking at the comfy bed I want to fall on... soo sleeepy today. *yawn* sorry :-(
How nifty.......I love the skirt idea! Maybe this is what I'll buy for when I start going to the gym again :)
Now if only I stay on top of shaving my legs!! haha
Rebecca Foster said…
Techno: My bed is very comfy. I was wishing I could do that same thing!

WW: glad you like it. They are very really great, I am so glad I tried it. I was skeptical. (I am often skeptical.) But this idea panned out for me.

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