Sweet Reunions

Last time I went home to Texas, I had the chance to see a friend I hadn't seen since moving away. I always had a little crush on him and was a bit more self-conscious than I wanted to be, but I sucked up my insecurities and we had a very sweet reunion. I was so glad I hadn't let my insecurities stop me from the chance to reconnect with an old friend.

As I am currently transplanted, my best friends all live elsewhere. The ones who still know all my secrets, even from hundreds (and thousands) of miles away. (In addition to hating the same things, good friends can be judged by the dirt they have on you. These friends could bury me alive. And never would.) When we get together, it's as if we were never apart. It sucks to be separated from those you love, care about, and just plain enjoy spending time with. But it really makes you appreciate when you can be together again. And that's a great feeling.


Jenn-n-n said…
I can relate Becca. All of my REALLY good friends live elsewhere. Sometimes it gets rather lonely.
Technodoll said…
Thank goodness for the innernetts though! *grin*

webcam, chat, email, blogs, cheap long-distance calls now... we've got it good compared to how it was not too long ago.

ok that doesn't make it less sucky, but still. still.

Rebecca Foster said…
Jenn: sorry to hear you are in that boat too. It sucks some days, doesn't it?

Techno: true, true. I always like it when my best friend will IM me to see if I am home to call me to tell me she sent me an email... :) And I have used the webcam many times for her to give feedback on a new purchase or hair do. We do have it good, thanks for reminding me!

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