Mini Fudges

I pretty much go camping just so I can make s'mores out of Keebler Fudge Stripes cookies and marshmallows, as it is a well known fact any food consumed around a campfire is calorie-free. And yeah, I know these cookies are the Applebee's of store-bought cookies. Why eat Fudge Stripes when there are Mint Milanos and Pepperidge Farm on the same shelf? But dammit they are delicious. And now they have these 100 calorie packs of cute little minis. I think that means you're supposed to only eat 1 pack in a sitting. Oops.


Anonymous said…
Smores with fudge stripe cookies and marshmallows??? OMG! I never thought of that! I must do that now!
Jenn-n-n said…
I'm going camping this coming weekend so I'm thinking that I'll be trying this!!!

Thanks for the idea Becca!!!
You are TOO funny. Seriously. (And do they REALLY expect you to eat just one tiny little bag?)
Rebecca Foster said…
PrincessB and Jenn: hope you like 'em. One of my faves. Glad I could share!

Sarah: yeah, 3 is good. Wrong, but oh so good.
Technodoll said…
Now imagine dipping the smores in melted chocolate?!

God, I just had a mouth orgasm.

Anonymous said…
They look gorgeous - wish I could get my hands on a packet!
Rebecca Foster said…
Techno: now I am picturing little mini smores made with two mini cookies and a mini marshmallow, with a toothpick down the hole to secure, dipped in fondue. Cutest little sandwiches ever.

Elisabeth: maybe you can order online?? And British cookies are so superior, you might gag on these! Our candy and cookies pale in comparison to yours.

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