Jonathan Rhys-Meyers

I finally popped in the The Tudors DVD I've had sitting on my tv for weeks. Wow. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is scary-hot, i.e. not the kind of guy for sharing laughs and sweet smooches i.e. John Krasinski, but rather the kind of guy who makes your lips swell just looking at him and there is no speaking because words can't form over your pounding heart and he sorta scares the hell out of you just being in the same room but you can't look away from his mouth. Or his sword. Yeah, that kind of hot.

Ireland, thanks for your continued contribution to the gene pool. You done good.

P.S. this show also has Jeremy Northam as Sir Thomas More and a handful of other hot guys whose names I don't know and don't care. Definite eye candy.


Anonymous said…
Wow! He is amazing! I'm stealing your pic to put on my computer since Ryan Reynolds is now off the market.
Matt said…
I sort of look like John Rhys-Davies. When he was playing Gimli.

Does that count?
Technodoll said…
I kinda like those Robin Hood pants... follow the drawstring.... :-D
That pic of him made me catch my breath. Dang. I love beautiful men.
Rebecca Foster said…
Princess: all yours, courtesy of TV Guide. I wish it were mine, means I would have taken it!

Dal: The bigger question is, why can't a Rhys be on their own? Do you have to hyphenate that name? Isn't one of the British royal family Sophie Rhys-Jones? I don't know why I know that.

Techno: oh yeah.

Sarah: We both have excellent taste in burger joints AND men! Must be why we're friends. And yeah, a work of art.
Jenn-n-n said…
Jesus Murphy.... NOW I know why I've always had a burning desire to tour Ireland. I need to "conquer" their menfolk....yes indeedy I do.

Are ya in Becca??? Screw China (have you seen the men there?), I think Ireland needs some peace keeping... or should I say "piece" keeping.

Shit, I should go to bed, I'm tired and giddy.

But Gawwwwwwwd it has been a while, and he looks so yummy....and.. and...
Matt said…
It's taken me all this time to figure out Jenn is THAT Jenn...
Jenn-n-n said…
*smoochles* Dal *evil grin*
Anonymous said…
I would love to see the Tudors. I don't have HBO but I am going to have to get the DVDs
Rebecca Foster said…
Jenn: piece keeping? You are brilliant. Oh, sign me up...

Dal: You are slow.

1218: It's on Showtime I believe, but yes I recommend the DVD. It's a soap opera but again...JRM...

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