Not Being a Wife in 1939

This handy little chart, written in 1939, helpfully calculates whether your wife is a success or a failure (click to enlarge). Red nail polish? Fail. Letting the nanny put the kids to bed? Fail. Eating breakfast naked? Fail. (Although the #8 demerit, that I agree with.) I took the test, based on what I think I'd do. I got 2 raw score points. Fail. Damn you naked breakfast!

And thanks to alert commenter Dal, here is a link to the full survey for both husbands and wives. Thanks Dal!


Anonymous said…
I think they mean percentage..but what do I know? I only teach grade 4/5 :P
Anonymous said…
Actually maybe some of the questions have higher points than others? I dont know... I love double comment posts :)
Sheez......they really had their priorities straight in the 30's eh?!?!

That score card is wiggity whack!
Rebex said…
That is hilarious! Where did you find it? I'd like to see the husband version. :)
Technodoll said…
I'd love to meet the misogynist who wrote this on a piece of toilet paper. I'd make him eat it!
Well...uh. I guess it's a good thing I wasn't married in the 30s. The nail polish would have been the nail in my coffin...or was that being the one to apologize first? Hmm....
Rebecca Foster said…
Laurie: maybe %. Some do have higher points, but even you had no demerits and all merits, your raw score would be 25. Oh well. Doubles are great! :)

WW: No doubt! I like the churhc/sleeping in one. NICE.

Rebecca: I will try to find it, just for you. :)

Techno: pretty sure that would result in a DEMERIT. But yeah.

Sarah: oh you devil you. I love #1 demerit: translation: "doesn't put out."
Matt said…
Here y'all go:

I will bring your attention to the Husband's #38 Merit.
Anonymous said…

By the way I am no longer 1218blog. I moved to wordpress. I am here now.
Rebecca Foster said…
Dal: oooh thank you! I am moving it to the front page and giving you credit of course. AWESOME. And solves the math mystery...list much longer.

Thanks 1218, I will update my links. And yeah, interesting with a little bit of crazy on the side!
Matt said…
The good Dr. Crane's Obituary:

Yes, he was worthy of a full bore New York Times send off.
Jenn-n-n said…
hehehe, I do believe I'll be sharing this lil tidbit with the boys at work. Nothing like stirring up the pot I always say.

If I ain't gettin' any, no one else should be either *crossing arms*
Unknown said…
Umm...All I can say is:

I love red lipstick. What's breakfast? People get dressed? The only musical instument I play is my ipod. Does that count? If one is not late for an appointment how can one be fashionably late? And I sleep in on Sundays and's his turn to get up with the baby. I do it every other day.

Oh, thank goodness it's 2008!!!!

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