
Picture I took as I flew into the setting sun on my trip home. Always a weird sensation when the sun doesn't set, but beautiful as well. My favorite part of this flight? When the angelic flight attendant moved me from my assigned seat next to a crumbsnatcher to an empty row further back. I love her.


I have yet to come across a flight attendant that I would call 'angelic'.....haha

I used to think it would be a cool job to be a flight attendant, until I actually flew....I thought, these people don't look happy AT ALL!
Rebex said…
I'm mostly wondering what a "crumbsnatcher" is. Somebody that eats your crumbs after you're done eating???
Technodoll said…
Wow Rebecca, that is one seriously wicked photo! Did you take that?!

All I could think of is that "crumbsnatcher" has "snatch" in it. I may need meds.

*tee hee*
Rebecca Foster said…
WW: I did have one who got mad at me for putting my plastic soda bottle into her garbage because "Delta is very serious about being good to the Earth." As we suck down jet fuel. She was a very unpleasant person, so I hear ya.

Rebecca: a toddler. AKA anklebiter. Kids are cute.

Techno: yes I did take it. I went back and added that, thanks! And haha, you are my kind of girl. Muah!

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