
Me and mom (age 23). She once gave us kids weird meat stuff on a cracker and, after we'd eaten it, told us it was cat food. (It wasn't, it was potted meat she'd bought by mistake.) What kind of mom pulls cat food pranks on her kids? An awesome one.


Jenn-n-n said…
HAHAHAHAHAHA I SO do things like that to my kids. One time we had moose roast buns, like beef dip. So I told the kids it was beef dip. They happily gobbled it up, and had seconds. After they were all done I told them we'd just eaten Bullwinkle. Hehehehe

Another time,when my son (who is my oldest) was 5 he hurt his eye. I knew it was superficial but he was carrying on like he'd lost a limb. I had him take his hand away from his eye and then I screamed OMG WHERE'S YOUR EYEBALL???? In hindsight it was probably not the wisest thing to do to a frightened child, but his reaction was funny as heck. I'm sure he laughs about this with his therapist now.

I could go on and on, but I won't bore you. The world ain't got nothing on me, I am sending my kids out into it pre-damaged so they are prepared for it!!!!!
Rebecca Foster said…
Jenn, those are hilarious stories. You and my mom should be BFF! First time my foot fell asleep, I had a fit, my mom said, "Oh, if you can't feel your foot we have to cut it off." Me: AHHHHHH. Nice to know it's not just my mom!
That story cracked me up!
Rebecca Foster said…
Kirsten, can't you just see her doing it?

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