
Here is a picture of my new haircut. When in Rome... :) Bangs are very popular here, so I thought I'd give them a try for old time's sake. Not sure if I'll keep them, but fun to try.

AND, I got my patch in the mail! So now I am official. It doesn't mean anything in China, of course, but it's nice to have it here with me.


Jenn-n-n said…
You look great girl!!!! Congrats on the patch...I'm proud of you!!
Technodoll said…
Adoooooooooooooorable! WOW!!!
Amy said…
Nice bangs! I like the look
McKenna wanted to congratulate you on getting your EMT patch. She had a vested interest, you know. :)
Rebecca said…
Hey thanks guys! And yes please give Mckenna a little treat to say thank you from me. I could not have done it without her. :)
You look so different! They look great!!!

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