Update on the Food Poisoning

So my food poisoning got better, not worse. I have never been in so much pain! And I couldn't keep anything down for 4 days, so our Peace Corps doctor put me on Cipro, a drug to treat bacteria. I am finally getting better. And I had to teach the last two days, so I just didn't eat anything and drank only Sprite and water with rehydration enzymes. The thought of food repulsed me anyway.

On the plus side, it's a great diet! I kept thinking of that quotation, "I'm just one stomach flu away from my target weight." I am still supposed to eat only bland and easy-to-digest foods until I am fully better. Not easy to find here, everything is so spicy, but luckily I do have saltines.


Jenn-n-n said…
Glad to hear that you are feeling better Becca. Be careful what you eat.
Technodoll said…
Happy you are on the mend, whew! And yeah, what a quick way to lose pounds eh? And water, and energy, and brain power, LOL!

You have a blog award waiting for you on my site :-)
Get well soon! sometimes I feel that way when I am sick. You hate it, but dropping 5 lbs or so doesn't hurt!

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