Food Poisoning

So it turns out I didn't have the flu, I had my first case of Chinese food poisoning. Basically all food here is contaminated, either because it is not refrigerated or it is grown using human waste as fertilizer. So you have to cook it or sterilize it. I ate some raw onions in a dish at a restaurant on Friday night. Usually restaurants are very good about sterilizing food so their patrons don't get sick, but I got a bad deal. And, let me tell you, I have not experienced pain like I did today. I felt like my insides were going through a meat grinder for hours, and I had a fever of 101. Luckily feeling better tonight. Our Peace Corps doctor told me to eat only bland food for the next day or two, just to be safe.

Never eating raw foods in public again!


Jenn-n-n said…
Geeeezus Becca, Please be careful what you eat there. Grown in human waste .... can you say NASTY!!!!! That's a good way to spread disease.

Don't eat anymore raw food!!!
Technodoll said…

Wow so no sushi for you... eeek! I didn't know the food situation was that bad, you poor sweetie! UGH.

Please be careful!

PS: couldn't access your blog for the past couple of weeks, it took forever to download and then always kept getting jammed... happy to read you again!
Sarah said…
Holy canoli. And...uh...I'm grateful for the food tip so I steer clear of the raw stuff when I visit China...someday. I hope you feel better soon. And Texas stuff will be on its way to you soon!
Lauriebelle31 said…
I sooo should have waited until this afternoon to read your blog. Human waste? *Shudders* Yup thats bout enough to put me off eating today ;)
That sucks that you have been so sick! We had the same problem viewing your blog for a couple weeks too. So I've been thinking about you and wondering how things were going. I hope you feel better soon!

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