Shopping Shadows

One thing I am still getting used to is people following my every move in the store. Not in a malicious way, but in a "we have different standards of closeness and you're a foreigner so I want to make sure you are taken care of so I will follow you at a 2 foot length every step you take" kind of way. Literally, they are two feet away, watching everything you look at, trying to sell you the most expensive thing.

I love shopping, but sometimes I am just not up to "The Shadow." I have learned to tune them out, but then I feel rude.

The other thing I am still getting used to is people being so interested in what you are buying. They will unabashedly stare at your items, and if you have a cart, sometimes even reach their hand in and pick up your stuff to get a closer look. They are just very curious about what foreigners like, and they have basically no personal territorial limits.

One of the other girls here jokes we should get paid for shopping, because whatever we look at, other people buy it too, just because we did. She's right.


Rebex said…
That's awesome! I can just picture the awkwardness of someone rifling through the stuff in your cart. That would make for a good Candid Camera episode.
Technodoll said…
He he. I would so have a go at them... fill my cart with 16 tubs of vaseline, some condoms and a bag of carrots.

snicker :-D

OK just the once though. he he.
Jenn-n-n said…
HAHAHAHAHA go to that russian unit store .... load up your cart and see what happens !!

Then ask where the nearest store that sells generators is, oh and also where you can find an electrician because you'll have to have those units rewired to work with the generator.

Hehehehehe,they'd really be wondering about western women then.
Anonymous said…
Find and pick some good things from you and it aids me to solve a problem, thanks.

- Henry

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