NBC on iTunes

NBC came back to iTunes, which means I can watch 30 Rock and The Office this season after all! (Although I am sad to say I am more excited about 30 Rock than The Office.) Hulu turned out to be a bust over here, even with an IP bouncer my internet connection is too slow to stream.

Shows that are popular here: Lost, Prison Break, Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City, Ugly Betty and Friends. You can buy these DVDs on the street easily. I can see why the humor of 30 Rock and The Office doesn't translate well, but if only they'd get on The Daily Show bandwagon, I'd be set!


Rebex said…
I guess I better give 30 Rock a try sometime because I can't even fathom why you'd be more excited for THAT than the Office. I mean, what could possibly be better than the Office??? I can't wait!!!

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