
The past few weeks have been very humbling for me. Food where I live is very expensive, so I have been able to afford mostly vegetables. This is not a bad thing, veggies are very good for you, but days full of only veggies start to make you feel rather hungry. I also had a few fruits, and some crackers, but I had to eat these sparingly. Rice noodles are very abundant and cheap, but they have no nutrition so I don't eat them. In the Peace Corps we are given an allotment of money, and we are not allowed to have 2nd jobs or accept any money. We are supposed to live on what we have.

A lot of people in the world experience hunger. It has been very humbling to be hungry.

My mom stepped in and sent me some protein bars, as well as some money so I could buy a large bag of beans and some other basics. You know you are living sparingly when you get very excited to buy a bag of black beans!


Technodoll said…
Embrace your adventure fully, Rebecca... it sounds like you are on the path to discovering a whole new part of life (and of yourself) that you never knew was there :-)
Parkers said…
WOW!! You are awesome. I still can't believe that you are out there experiencing these things. What an amazing part of the world.
Jenn-n-n said…
I've got a wee "care" pkg put together for you... I need an addy to ship it to.

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