Corn Tortillas

Sometimes, you don't know how much you love something until it's gone. For me, that thing is corn tortillas. In China you can find some Western products, but Hispanic? No. So my sweet mother sent me some corn tortillas. I grated a little bit of my precious cheese (also hard to find in China, but I found some) on top, heated them up, added some sliced tomato and Tabasco sauce, and had the best lunch I've had in weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I love Chinese food, but sometimes your tongue craves something familiar. There isn't really anything in China similar to corn tortillas, in either flavor or texture. I find that Spanish culture and cuisine is what I miss most about being in China, because it just plain doesn't exist here in any capacity. Except for Tabasco sauce.


Next time, I bet your bags will be packed with food instead of clothes! :o)

I hope you're doing alright.....
Rebecca Foster said…
Things are getting better WW, thank you. And yes, bags of corn tortillas and salsa :) YUM.
Rebex said…
I'm having Mexican food for lunch today - I'll eat a tortilla in your honor. :)

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