New Year's Eve Panties

According to Mexican tradition, brought to San Antonio by its large Mexican expat population, the color of panties you are wearing when the clock strikes midnight determines what you will find in the new year. So, you should wear red panties for passion, yellow panties for prosperity, and rose colored panties for true love.

I love this tradition, because how easy is it to find rose colored panties vs. red ones?  RIGHT. The Mexicans are onto something.

I always wondered about yellow vs. green for prosperity, but green panties are hard to find too. I guess this one is just about practicality. I have also heard you should wear yellow to find true friendship. 


Rebex said…
Ha ha ha! I've never even heard of New Year's Eve panties. I guess I'm destined to a lonely & passionless life of poverty in 2009. You better believe I will be wearing a pair of each color next New Year's. LOL

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