
Over the weekend, I was eating dinner at an Indian restaurant with some friends and when I lifted my fork to my mouth for the first bite, I misjudged and stabbed myself in the lip with it. D'oh! I felt like a real idiot. I guess that's how you know you've been in China for a while, you forget how to eat with a fork without hurting yourself. No wonder baby forks are plastic. Chopsticks are pretty cool, though. Once you get the hang of it, they are pretty easy to eat with, and force you to take smaller bites. And they strengthen your hand muscles and improve dexterity. I used to carry a pair of chopsticks in my bag, because most places don't have sanitary chopsticks for you to use; there is just a communal chopstick holder on the table. But I got lazy and now just suck it up and use their chopsticks. I figure at least I am building up germ immunity. HOWEVER, I was looking for a picture of chopsticks to use for this story and found this picture. It's a bra that can ...