Chinglish T-Shirt Wisdom: "Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?"

Saw this t-shirt today in the 'junior girls' section of a local department store. I did a double take when I saw the word 'heroin.' Today I also saw an an adult woman wearing a shirt that said "Virgn" across the front in glitter letters. But I think the heroin shirt wins.


Rebex said…
Oh gosh, that is awesome! "I choose not to choose life." Wow! There are no words.
Technodoll said…
I hope you're buying packs of these to bring home and sell on ebay... you'll make a fortune!

I'm your first client!!!
Matt said…
i think she dneeds to create a website where you can create your own chinglish T's.
Rebecca Foster said…
Oooh good idea. I should go back and buy it. It would make a funny gift, at least. I also saw one on the street last night extolling the virtues of breakfast. It was so weird. I caught it on video, I'll have to extract a screen shot and post it. This place cracks me up constantly.

Matt, I think it's called "Cafe Press." :)
shibdon said…
I'm going to adopt this into my repertoire of wise sayings. I guess Confucius ain't dead after all.
Teacher Miguel said…
guess nobody here saw or read Trainspotting...those are exact words from the main character's monologue.
Rebecca Foster said…
Teacher Miguel, well don't I feel like a moron now! Also, HELLO! Where are you?

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