I Regret I Have But Two Eyes With Which To Gaze Upon This Picture

Rob Pattinson: that perfect jawline, that sexy scruff, those green eyes. *sigh* Still lickable. 

He's the male equivalent of marshmallow cream, and sometimes, a girl needs cream. (Next post, we return to our regularly scheduled Chinese adventures.)

(Picture via vanityfair.com )


Marianne said…
MMMMMMMMmmmmmm..... Tasty. Rob is hot, but I think Taylor is hotter. Maybe that makes me a gross pedophile but I don't care.
There is a funny website where you can put your face in pictures and they have a whole Twilight section so that you can see Rob hugging YOU! It is pretty funny.
Rebecca Foster said…
Kirsten, you may have a point. But I have very low standards right now, haha.

Marianne, I had no idea about that site, I'll have to check it out. Sounds like it's good for a laugh.
You are funny, but I think every woman has their type of eye-candy, and he seems to be yours..."happy daydreaming!"
Technodoll said…
WHO is this hunk and WHY does he have a tart on his lap? Isn't that spot reserved for you?!
Rebecca said…
This totally made me laugh!

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