Downloads and DVDs

These are the shows I download illegally every week:

The Office
30 Rock
Big Bang Theory
Gossip Girl

I have little crushes on Jim, DotCom, Nate (so pretty) and Chuck.

A quick buying-DVDs-in-China (or Chinatown) guide:

First: pirated, where sellers set up blankets or bins of DVDs on the street and sell them for about $.80. These DVDs are usually not high quality and have Chinese subtitles you can't turn off. Software and games are good quality, though. This is the most available way to buy them.

Second: a bootleg DVD store. High quality, licensed DVDs intended for sale to other audiences (Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Cambodia, etc.) that have found their way here. They all have English tracks/subtitles. About $1.50

Third: bookstore or chain grocery store (in large cities only). Licensed for Mainland China, with English and Mandarin tracks/subtitles. About $3.50, and the selection is not as good as the bootleg stores, because they are subject to import censorship laws. (However, I have seen a box set of Sex and The City for sale, which shocked me. Someone did some good negotiating!)

So now if you ever travel to China, or Chinatown, you know about how much to pay for DVDs.


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