Mind Control

This week in my classes we talked about Superheroes. As part of the lesson, I asked each of them to choose which superpower they would most like to have, and how they would use it to help their community. They all chose the power to read minds/change people's thoughts so they could remove their bad thoughts. It was one of those things here that reminds you, Toto, you aren't in Kansas anymore.

I wonder what percentage of American students would choose this power? (As my co-teacher Andrew noted, "Orwell must not be high on the reading list here.")


I don't know if my superpower of choice would help anyone, but I would love to be able to teletransport!!
Rebex said…
I totally get that; I would definitely love to read people's minds. I guess people-watching wouldn't be as fun, though, so maybe not. Hmm...?
Rebecca Foster said…
Rebex, but would you change their thoughts? That's the part I found interesting--

WW, I want that too! I hate traffic jams. And airplanes.
Rebex said…
Yeah, mind control is a little weird. But hey, they make a good point: Stop the bad people before they can do anything wrong. Kind of a scary thought, though. Can you imagine???

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