Silicone Wonders and Cupcake Holders

Silicone is fast becoming one of my all time favorite substances. It makes your boobs look good*, it helps you run really far , and now it can bake cupcakes!

My friend L. sent me these silicone cupcake holders, along with a brownie mix (and a few other treats). They can withstand up to 500F and are reusable, so I'll be able to use them in my little toaster oven. No more expensive disposable tins needed!  What a thoughtful friend.

*No, mine aren't silicone, but sometimes I wish they were.


Matt said…
No no no no no no no no. You've never felt silicone ones if you think that!
Technodoll said…
The only silicone cooking utensile I've tried so far is a spatula, and it seems ok.... Still a bit creeped out by plastic that won't melt, LOL!

Are we really sure it's safe?


In any case: happy baking!! Enjoy the brownies! yum yum!
Rebecca Foster said…
Matt, I don't care how they feel, just how they look. But, I can see your point.

Techno, good point. Probably not! But on the list of things that are going to kill me, these are kinda pretty. They get a pass. Thanks, I will eat one for you!
Matt said…
>But, I can see your point.

Nah, points would be so 1960s in this context. Or where those cones?

>But on the list of things that
>are going to kill me, these are
>kinda pretty.

Recently seen on my organic gardening board, as a plea for people to get some perspective:

"Look, eating a non-organic carrot is STILL healthier then standing at a bus stop downtown!"

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