The Unspoken Things

This week I did a lesson for my classes on 'utopia' vs. 'dystopia.' I showed them a short clip from the film Children of Men, but I knew it wouldn't have the same impact on them it had on me the first time I saw it; our city streets are not so different from the scenes depicted in the movie. I doubt they realized London had been changed for the movie to resemble a dystopic nightmare, and I didn't point it out to them. (Click on the link above for a short advertisement for the film which shows what I am referring to.)

I also showed them this video. I debated with myself as to whether I should, but I ultimately did because I think the overall message of the song is powerful. (It's something I can't speak about openly here, but if you watch the video, and remember where I am, you'll perhaps understand why I hesitated.)

There are certain topics we have been "asked" not to discuss here, under any circumstances. I look forward to the day I am no longer under this mantle and can speak freely. But I do respect why we have been asked, and I have agreed to comply. So if this blog at times seems to be lacking discussions which you think must certainly arise from living in China, it is not oversight.


myself said…
Then I just can't wait til you leave China...I'd love to hear what you have to say as a "westerner". It's one of my favorite topics of conversation. Don't worry, I'm on the "no-Visa to China list" anyway ;-)
Busy Bee Suz said…
These must both have been eye opening for some. Thanks for sharing with us. I never saw the Movie, and I am intrigued now.
LOVE that Song and video too. take care, suz
Caution/Lisa said…
Your students seem more advanced than mine! Then again, maybe it's the teacher :)
The Bingham's said…
Children of Men was a good movie. It really did have quite the impact on me as well. It is just hard for me to understand how they can not grasp how just one person can change so many things. But, then again, I know that there is a reason they don't think that way. Maybe you will make on impact on just one person in your class, who knows.....
Technodoll said…
That was one freaky movie... thankfully Clive made it bearable. Ugh.

You're much more patient than I am with censorship, I would have gotten in much trouble a long time ago LOL :-)
I'm with Technodoll on the whole Clive part. But I understand what you are dealing with. Wasnt in the peace corp, but knew some missionaries that experienced something like what you are experiencing. Not long before you leave...then you can speak as free as you want as often as you want for as long as you want :)
Rebecca Foster said…
Myself, no-visa list? Interesting...I bet that is a story!

Well, I really do think the message is universal. And I hope they do know, what they do makes a difference. I hope I inspire them to be their best selves. It's what I'm here for.

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