
Monday is a holiday here, Tomb Sweeping Day. It's like Day of the Dead in Mexico, the day you go clean off your ancestors tombstones and leave offerings. I don't have school that day, so I am going to a hot springs with a few other foreign teachers. They have a fish pool at this hot springs; you sit in the water and little fishies come eat your dead skin. I can't decide if it's going to be cool or terrifying. But supposedly if you have eczema, it's a great treatment. So, I'll let you know how it goes.

I teach my writing class on Fridays, and it's my most frustrating class. They are Junior English majors, so their English is pretty good, but I just don't know how to teach someone to be a good writer. I can teach them correct grammar and sentence structure etc., but to be creative? It's a challenge. They have to do a research paper as their final project for this class. Which means I have to read them all. 

A Chinese word I am studying today is "life."  Life + sun = birthday. Life + school = student. Chinese is the tinker-toys of languages. Because you can't make new root words, all you can do is create new compound words to describe what you want to say. For example, electric + brain = computer. It's pretty fun learning all the compounds. Also, it takes forever! 


Technodoll said…
omg - did you let the little fishes nibble at your feet?

Rebecca Foster said…
Yup, and it was tickling, but not terrifying.

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