Bridges, Garbage and Rats

I've been sorting through old pictures from my travels; lots of pictures of bridges and buildings. You know those job/skill aptitude tests you can take? I always got my highest score in 'spatial relations', which I've thought is a pretty lame thing to have high skill in-- so I can figure out where things should go in space, big deal! Although it does probably explain my love of bridges, because bridges are inherently rather spatial, no? I found shots a friend had sent me of NYC bridges and other scenic shots; I won't post them here because they're not mine to post, but they still bring me so much joy. Maybe I'm austistic, y'all, and bridges are my thing?

From looking at old pictures, I've noticed my perspective on what constitutes 'clean and nice and inviting' has drastically changed. For example, I took this photo in Manhattan because at the time I thought, "Wow, look at all that garbage on the street!

And now I think, "Wow, look at all that garbage neatly tied up in bags and stacked for removal. It looks so nice!"

I saw this alley and thought it looked like a sad, dirty little alley; now I see it and think it wouldn't be a bad place to sit and grab a quick meal of noodles out of the hustle and bustle of the main street. Yes, I would eat in there.

It's interesting how our perspectives can change like that.

I also came across this picture; I know it's a bit morbid, but this little baby rat in the middle of the sidewalk made me a little sad. The sadness of death unnoticed. Maybe I'm the only one who will notice this little rat died in the middle of a busy Bronx neighborhood. (This was a few months after my father died, so that probably had something to do with it.) I tend to have a world view that we are all connected, and I have a soft spot for little animals. Their vulnerability reminds me of how much I am grateful for.

I hope you all have a great weekend! I'm going on a brief hiatus, see you again in a few days.


Ileana said…
Interesting how your perspective has changed and how you have a newfound appreciation of things. I think it's great...something that can only be gained by venturing out and engaging in new experiences.

I can understand the sadness you felt for the little unknown rat. The way you explained it makes perfect sense to me.

I wish you a weekend full of peace and beautiful landscapes!
Rebecca Foster said…
Thanks for understanding Ily. I feel a little like a crazy person for admitting that.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I think our perspective evolves with our life experiences. We appreciate things differently as we go through time.
I get you on the rat...I feel the same way. We have soft hearts, and that is a good thing.
yrautca said…
Interesting pictures. I also put a story with most of my pictures in my head. Bridges would make for good pictures. So would railway tracks.
Stephanie said…
Oh I think my perspective on chnages with every major life change. you moving to China and back BIG life changes! Enjoy your time off..don't be gone to long!
Technodoll said…
I must be an idiot because i almost teared up at that poor baby rat... i just cannot stand death and specially not to animals.


you're bang-on about perception, and i saw both your views on the photos: they both make sense.

yey for powers of adaptation?

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