Heroes, Rogues and Lovers

Something short to offset the long post beneath this one. A favorite quotation from the book Heroes, Rogues and Lovers*:

“She says it is unfortunate that women find rash men so appealing, but they do, and it is because women know in their secret hearts that men who won’t kill for them are useless.”

It's not a favorite quotation because I necessarily think it's true, but because it sort of explains the whole Indiana Jones thing, doesn't it? It’s true that I usually choose the men I date because they are thoughtful, kind and fun but also tough, intelligent men of action. And they are each of these things in a way I’m comfortable with. But kill for me? That sounds extreme. Consciously, no, I don't expect that. Millions of years of biological influence into choosing a reproduction mate? Hmmm... the question of nature vs. nurture is fascinating to me. Especially when it relates to attraction and who we choose to invest in.

But on the other hand, there's this:

*This is a non-fiction book about the effects of testosterone on men and women. Pretty interesting read, if you’re into social science stuff.


Ileana said…
Thanks for sharing. I love these kinds of books, like that once-popular one, "You Just Don't Understand," more recently "Love & Respect" (which bascially says that in relationships women need love and men need respect more than anything). Interesting read!
yrautca said…
I have yet to meet a women I would kill for..or rather currently do not know one.
Stephanie said…
Nature vs Nurture has always fasicnated me! For me nice, thoughtful caring. Those things trump looks everytime:)
Busy Bee Suz said…
I do believe that the 'whole package' is available...and without the fedora!!
Technodoll said…
Oh I'm all about the bad boys, baby! Leave the wimpy nerds to other less needy girls... ah... um. :-D
Katie said…
Sounds like a fascinating book, this is immediately going on my to-read book list. I like someone I know who can take care of me, but usually that translates to someone who is innovative and driven. I must admit a certain fondness for nerds in glasses. :)

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