Body Donation

Today I mailed off the paperwork to donate my body at death to the University of Utah Medical School. I already knew I wanted to be cremated and scattered, so it made sense to me to add this part to it. I checked with my family, because they are the ones this decision would affect, and they were very supportive of it.

The medical school cremates you when your service is finished. I had the option to: 

1. Have my ashes buried in a donor's plot at the local cemetery; each year, they bury the ashes of donors who wish to be buried there and conduct a memorial service for the families, medical students and anyone else who wants to attend. 

2. Have my ashes mailed to my family by certified mail, with return receipt. This caught me off guard-- I had no idea you could mail ashes. Technically, you could mail them to somewhere random and boom, that's your final resting place. 

3. Have your family pick them up at the medical school. This is the option I chose. My sister asked me where I'd want my ashes scattered. "Target." I was kidding. (Kind of? No really, kidding.) I don't know where I want to be scattered. Gotta think about it. 

If I move, the school will help me find a new donor university medical school near me. They're mailing me a card to carry in my wallet that instructs my body should go to the medical school, not the morgue, just in case my family isn't there when I die. I'd like my family to take a vacation with the money from my life insurance, then donate the rest to a scholarship seed account. No cemetery plot, no headstone. 

I've been thinking about these decisions since my dad died, because it made it very real that these decisions need to be made. You never know what's going to happen. And it's nice for the family to have it all laid out in advance. We knew exactly what my dad wanted, and it helped a lot. So, I'm glad my family was supportive of my decisions. Maybe some people will think it's a bit morbid, but it's just reality. We all die. I'm glad I can donate my body for good. 


LL Cool Joe said…
I want to be cremated and they can flush the ashes down the loo! Once you die and your soul leaves your body, that's it. I'll be in Heaven with the Lord. :)

Good for you donating your body to science.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I think this is a brilliant idea.
I already told everyone I need to be cremated....I think Target is a good spot for my ashes too. :)

I wonder what they do with your body when you donate it to science??? For Dr.'s in training?
Ileana said…
Wow, I think you've done a great thing. I didn't even realize this sort of thing existed, and yes, we should all think about what we want BEFORE we die, so we don't leave the family with so many decisions to make while they're grieving.

You're a smart cookie, Chica! :)
Tracey Axnick said…
I think it's great!
I am an organ donor of anything and everything they can use, then I told my husband "just bury me in the backyard when they're done". I meant it, although I'm sure he won't do it. :)

Seriously, though, I think it's great!
Technodoll said…
Cremation, definitely.

I'd not thought about what happens after... scattered? buried? plot? headstone?


Just not science, that's for sure. That creeps me the hell out. Yes, I'm that private even after death, LOL!

You're doing a noble thing, girl.

Hats off :)
Stacy Q said…
I was at a funeral of a friend who had died of cancer when I decided I want to be cremated. I certainly don't want to be dolled up into unrecognizability by some mortuary stylist, like my friend was. It was horrible...
Cremation is a better way to go.
Where to scatter the ashes? I'll have to think about that. But I don't want to be in some urn on the shelf.

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