I'm A Human Salt Lick: Magnesium Oil Eczema Therapy Update

Have you ever licked a salt lick? We used to buy little ones for our rabbits and big blocks for our goats and of course I had to lick one once, just to try it. (In the store, before the rabbits licked it!) Well if you want, you can lick me; I taste about the same. (For about an hour, that is.)

This is my way of saying my salt therapy has been a big success, even though my skin is very salty these days. I don't think the salt baths are very practical, but the magnesium oil I bought has turned things around faster than I anticipated. It was literally almost overnight. I don't think magnesium oil prevents or cures eczema in any way, but it sure healed my existing patches quickly.

A word of caution: you know that cliche 'like pouring salt on an open wound'? Yeah. It hurts like a mofo. Be prepared for some intense stinging for about 10 minutes. I don't recommend this for kids at all, who might not understand the pain.

I bought my magnesium oil (not really oil, just super-concentrated salt magnesium solution) at a local health food store; it was $30 for 8 oz. I checked Amazon.com and they sell magnesium oil for about this price, but some other brands for much cheaper. A little goes a long way, though. You spray it on like hairspray, then massage it into the skin. And, voila, you are salty but soon, eczema-free! (If it works for you like it worked for me, that is.)

Another word of caution: keep it far away from mucous membranes. Far. Away. 


Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh my, some lessons are painful to learn.
Speaking of salt blocks, I was forced to visit a Bass Pro Shops this weekend...with all the hunting stuff; and the salt licks. Made me ill.
Hope your remedy lasts a good long time for you.
cyclopseven said…
You are trying out many things, aren't you? I can recommend this to some of my friends. Thank you.
Technodoll said…
Well that's good news! Yey!! :-D

I took a bubble bath with epsom salt tonight and thought of you, LOL!

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