unZipped: Zippered Dresses, Zebra Napkins, Zoolander

Confession: I love having someone else to help zip up my dresses. And zip down. It feels very decadent, no?

And did you know this dress exists? I had no idea, until I was googling 'zipper.' All I can think is, it must be very uncomfortable in hot weather. Ouch!

I also love my black & beige zebra print napkins I bought at Pier 1 Imports years ago. Tried to find them online to show you a photo, but looks like they don't carry them right now. I'm too lazy to go take a picture so: picture zebra print napkins. I love them.

Just for M: Zoolander's best scene.


M said…
appreciated :D
Xin nian kuai le!
Busy Bee Suz said…
Yeah, that dress is cool, but could pose a problem in hot weather.
Also...any stray hairs could cause a scene. (not that I would have any stray hairs) And that makes me think of "There is Something About Mary" with the zipper scene. {Franks or beans???}
Technodoll said…
Why is that anorexic modeling such a dress? way to ruin a good thing! ugh! my eyes!

*grabs another handful of Hershey's kisses*

Every woman should be zipped up and then down later, feet rubbed, head massaged.


Life is short! must enjoy it! ;-D

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