Make-Out Mix: Sometimes, I'm Kind Of A Jerk

Picture it: Arizona, 1997-ish. I've gone to visit my friend T. in Mesa, but we are Just Friends, capital J, capital F. The kind of Just Friends who, because we attend universities in different states, travel to visit each other a couple of times a year.

Around 11 PM we go for a late night swim (yay Arizona winter weather!), then head downtown in his brand new car. I'm poking through the CDs in the center console when I find one clearly labeled 'Make-Out Mix.' Now, let's ignore for a moment the fact someone actually labels their CD 'Make-Out Mix' instead of something more innocuous like 'Slow Jams.' (Those two things are always the same, right?) I hold up the CD so I can see by passing streetlight if my eyes are really seeing what they're seeing. Being the kind of girl I am, the following exchange goes down:

Me: "Make-Out Mix? Realllly?"
T: "Oh... yeah. Um, I've had that CD forever, it's old, I forgot it was in there."
Me: "But you just bought this car last week."

The Logic, my friends, it never fails me. I pop out the CD currently playing and move to slide in the Make-Out Mix.

T., with slight agitation in his voice: "Uh, what are you doing?"
Me: "Oh, we're SO listening to this. I want to know what you think works."

I have no memory now of what was on that CD, but I do remember he was squirming in his seat a bit as I skipped through the tracks. This might shock you, but T. and I did not make out that night. I've grown up a bit since then; now, I keep my mouth shut when I notice something a little awkward. I appreciate it when they do the same for me. (And there's something really charming about a guy who isn't good at this stuff. It means I trust him more. But that is another post.)

I offer this story as Exhibit A for my guy friends who ask for advice as to whether or not they should try to go for the action with a girl they like. I always tell them, "Listen, if she doesn't want you to, you will not even get close enough to try. Girls usually know what's up, and if you're in the zone, you're golden. Go for it! Otherwise, she'll just wonder why you wound up and let the ball drop." But it helps when the girl doesn't call them out on the way to the box. Learned that the hard way.

I stand by this advice for respectful guys who are not surprise attackers.


Busy Bee Suz said…
This is so funny {and SMART}
I find it charming when a guy does not have 'game' too.
But then again...I have been with the same guy since I was 18...I did not get very much experience in the dating arena. {both a curse and a blessing}
Technodoll said…
He he - I'm so old that "back in my day" we had Make-Out Cassettes! :-D

Ileana said…
Funny...and chica, you should write a book for guys! "The NEW Rules for Guys by Becca"
Stacy Q said…
After my 1st date went well with this one guy he hugged me good bye at my car, then turned around and walked into a tree.
I married him (later, of course).

The not got game thing works for me too.
Tracey Axnick said…
Ha ha ha! This is hilarious! I totally would have busted him too "but this is a new car!" (ie... this was THE CD you selected to go in your new car?!)

Cute story.

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